About PYCO Industries
Proudly Representing the Ag Communities, We Serve

Video Gallery
Cottonseed Oil: The Original Oil
Cottonseed oil is an important by-product of cottonseed that is as much chemistry as it is agriculture! When the food industry calls, cottonseed oil answers — in a big way.
PYCO Industry Resources

PYCO Proud
PYCO Industries, Inc. is the largest cottonseed oil mill processing facility in the nation. Built in 2021, the new delinting process brings PYCO into the 21st century.

Environmentally Friendly
The new process was designed to run with state-of-the-art filters that clean all air that is exhausted during production. This reduces its total emissions by over 80%.

Pioneering the Future
This new process is also designed around an electrical control system that allows us to monitor, control, and reduce our electrical consumption by over 10%. We can also proudly say that all materials and labor used to build this new process were all made in the USA and regionally sourced.